by pattykaymooney | Feb 5, 2021 | Profiles
A teacher’s encouragement can light the candle that guides their student for a lifetime. My passion for poetry steered me towards college where I signed up for a poetry course with Carolyn Forché. The 24-year-old Carolyn, a brilliant poet, was about to achieve poetic fame by winning the Yale Younger Poets award with her book called “Gathering the Tribes” in 1975.
by pattykaymooney | Jan 31, 2021 | Video Production in San Diego
Much to the chagrine of many younger video consumers and social-media influencers, VHS producers of yore are not dead. And the content we produced is not free to be pirated at whim. As per the United States government, “As a general rule, for works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years.”
by pattykaymooney | Jan 22, 2021 | Editorials
Happiness is the end goal of most humans. “Whatever makes you happy!” is something my dad always used to say as I was growing up. Along with “That’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick” or “You can be right but you can be dead right.” It’s funny how those little adages can stay with you for decades.
by pattykaymooney | Dec 24, 2020 | World Traveler Reviews
In San Diego Southern California signs of Winter are subtle indeed. We have a few trees and plants that blaze orange and then drop their leaves in the Autumn. But we don’t get any snow except in the nearby mountain town of Julian where they serve the most wonderful apple pie a la mode. The Westgate Hotel has nurtured a tradition of Christmas tree lights, nutcracker ballet dancers and mugs of hot cocoa.
by pattykaymooney | Dec 11, 2020 | Video Production in San Diego
In the universe of explainer videos, there is one common rule – thou shalt keep it short and straightforward. That being said, alwaysendeavour to have a well-written script beforehand. A good script will drive the viewer smoothly throughout the entire video. Typically, an explainer video script will have a three-phase structure: addressing a challenge, introducing an idea, and invitation to take action.