James Hong, Mountain Biker
In the world of documentary filmmaking, there are few endeavors as ambitious and captivating as an around-the-world mountain-biking adventure. Enter James Hong.
In the world of documentary filmmaking, there are few endeavors as ambitious and captivating as an around-the-world mountain-biking adventure. Enter James Hong.
One of the most interesting videos we have produced over our 40+ San Diego video production career was for a company called Innoflight.
Freedom of choice has always been important to me since the early 1970s, when my mother and I both began on the path of feminism together.
We are pleased and proud to announce that 2023 has been a red-letter year for Crystal Pyramid Productions company principals Mark Schulze and Patty Mooney.
At Crystal Pyramid Productions, we firmly believe in the transformative power of stories. NECTARBALL is more than a cinematic endeavor; it’s a platform to destigmatize Cannabis – a medicinal plant with untapped potential to enhance lives and foster well-being. Our documentary serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the true essence of Cannabis and opening hearts to its healing properties.