

Create a Google account, and then request testimonials from your clients (if, indeed, you have worked together – otherwise, don’t) and then don’t just park them there, spread them around. Add these testimonials to your website, sprinkle liberally in your emails, and on your brochure. Don’t be shy about blowing your own horn.

Lingerie Sky Divers

Lingerie Sky Divers

The jangling phone woke us early one Saturday morning.  It was our producer friend at Inside Edition.  “Can you guys get your video production crew together and head up to Lake Elsinore to videotape some lingerie sky divers?”



While trolling online, I came across the video that I had edited back in 2010 for DreamWorks.  This is the San Diego Comic Con Megamind Panel featuring Will Ferrell, Tina Fey and Jonah Hill, who were there to promote their film, Megamind. It contains footage that was shot for I-mag (those large “Image magnification” screens you see in big conventions and events) by convention videographers. Plus it has hand-held crowd footage shot by the DreamWorks producer. I sewed it together into this amazingly awesome video.

Comic Con Tales

Comic Con Tales

SD Comic Con is the most attended of any convention in the City of San Diego.

It is truly intimidating in its Hulk-like proportions. Over the years, our video production company, Crystal Pyramid Productions, has provided crews to broadcast studios such as 20th Century Fox, Nickelodeon, M-TV, Daily Variety, Savan, and many others.

Queen Califia Magic Circle

Queen Califia Magic Circle

Queen Califia Magic Circle Upon entering the Queen Califia Magic Circle, one wonders, How could we humans live without music and art? These expressions feed the soul, inspire and enthrall us. One of my favorite artists is Niki de St. Phalle, who spent her last days in...