Police Officers – Get to Know them

Police Officers – Get to Know them

I believe that rampant homelessness across our county is San Diego’s dirtiest little secret.  One of the officers shared the story of how for five hours one day, he shepherded one heroin-addicted homeless guy with abscesses all over his legs and arms to the hospital where a doctor treated the wounds. Doctors there warned the heroin addict that he would probably lose his legs because of these wounds.  The officer then took the homeless man to jail where he’ll remain for a few weeks.  He’ll go through the heebie-jeebies as he detoxifies.  And then, predictably, he will go back to the streets, buy heroin and continue his downward spiral into slow suicide.  And he’ll end up losing his legs.

Rafting Athabasca River

Rafting Athabasca River

In 1986, as Mark and I rambled around the U.S. and Canada in our small Chinook, we would stop at beautiful places, and sometimes we’d spend the day hiking. When we were in Oregon we discovered rafting on the McKenzie River and enjoyed it so much, we went into a local K-Mart and purchased a “four-man” Sevylor raft. When they say four, I think they really mean two adults. The folded raft fit neatly into the shower stall of the Chinook along with some other sundries. We never used the shower because the water would have been too cold; we’d stop at RV parks and shower for 50 cents or a dollar.

Apollo by Convergent Design

Apollo by Convergent Design

Apollo by Convergent Design Apollo is the latest ratchet up the ongoing rollercoaster ride known as video production.  It has been a screaming, dipping, exciting ride as long as we have been on it. DP Mark Schulze shoots Hypnotist Dr. Dean at Muscular Dystrophy...
Eubie Blake – From Mouse to Lion

Eubie Blake – From Mouse to Lion

Eubie Blake: From Mouse To Lion Eubie Blake seemed to know exactly what he wanted to do with his life from the time he first embarked upon it.  He was born to former slaves, Emma and John Sumner Blake, on February 7, 1883 in Baltimore, Maryland. Eubie proved to be a...
Kern River Rafting

Kern River Rafting

If you are ever in the neighborhood of the Kern River during the summer months, and have access to a safe and sturdy floating device, go for it.  Better yet, stay at the campground for a night or two, stock up on some good beers and yummy eats, and relax.  Everybody needs a good “battery recharge,” especially in the summer. A romp on the Kern will make you feel like a kid again!