Diary of a San Diego Video Crew
Are You An Entrepreneur?
How can you determine whether you can be a successful entrepreneur, or are you destined to work for somebody else? San Diego Comic Con video productionThere is no exact formula for success. Most successful entrepreneurs share these ten strategies. Read thru these ten strategies for successful entrepreneurs below and see which ones apply to you.
Caribou at DeNali, Alaska
In 1986 my lover, Mark Schulze (now my husband), and I decided to sell or give away all our earthly possessions. Once we dispensed with our worldly goods, we bought a small camper and traveled around the United States and Canada for the next nine months.
Pensacola Wings of Gold
Pensacola Wings of Gold was filmed in Ocean Beach, California, and aired on television from 1997 – 2000. San Diego’s Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Naval Training Center San Diego and Ocean Beach all figured prominently in the show, even though the setting was supposedly Pensacola, Florida.
Christchurch, New Zealand South Island, 1982
Christchurch! The very name conjures a proper British town with a vintage aura. Just as Oz was for Dorothy, Christchurch became an all-consuming destination for us back in 1982 as Mark and I, brand new lovers, skipped over the emerald fields of New Zealand bearing 35-pound backpacks.
Commendation From Our Councilman
From time to time in various communities across our nation, a thoughtful elected representative will present a Special Commendation to worthy citizens within that community. We’ve probably all seen these documents featuring a series of “Whereas” followed by a conclusion, “Now Therefore…..” It’s a thrilling event for the recipient. And so it was for us!
On our 34th wedding anniversary, this past July 23rd, our esteemed Councilman Raul Campillo (representing San Diego’s 7th District) presented a Special Commendation to Mark Schulze and Patty Mooney
Clutch Award
Pulling off a seamless video production is a daunting challenge. There are many factors to consider, such as the equipment, location, casting, schedule, and more. Additionally, you may find that your options might be limited by your budget. But at Crystal Pyramid Productions, we help businesses achieve the best quality of video production without breaking the bank.