Diary of a San Diego Video Crew



Dreaming is like a blueprint to your future. It’s a fine balance between dreaming, and living in the “here and now.” You also have to be careful not to sabotage yourself with such thoughts as “I’ll be happy when…” or “I can’t….” That sort of thinking just places roadblocks on your own path. You are the one manifesting your dreams, whether positive or negative.

Video Marketing for Your Business

Video Marketing for Your Business

Video is an excellent way to reach potential clients, inform them about the products you offer, and persuade them to buy. There are several reasons why video is the preferred marketing tool of professionals worldwide:
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video speaks volumes.

Great Mountain Biking

Great Mountain Biking

Since we began our adventures in mountain biking in 1986, it’s been a constant source of fun with exercise as a side benefit. It brings us out into nature which we love. We believe that the “couple who play together stay together,” and we hope to be able to share our passion for many more years to come.

Big Box Lens

Big Box Lens

Our most recent acquisitions are the Canon 55x Telephoto low-light (1.4 f stop) Box Lens and Sachtler-60 heavy-duty tripod which can accept up to a 145-pound load. Also included are studio kits for all of our camera systems/packages which include rear zoom and focus controls and monitors/recorders. We decided to purchase this particular gear for our corporate clients who need the camera and operator placed more than 50 feet away from the stage since this lens can gather steady close-up shots when compared to a 19x or 21x lens on our camera systems.

Kurdish Singer Dler

Kurdish Singer Dler

It was the year 2002.  A local producer came to us asking if we would set up a green screen at a local college to videotape a talented singer.  And so it was that we met Dler and his lovely sister, who was there to support her brother in his video, and powder his face to keep the shine off.

Swiss Army Knife Adventures

Swiss Army Knife Adventures

On a Valentine’s Day early in our relationship, Mark presented me with a brand-new Swiss Army knife because we both loved hiking, backpacking, and opening bottles of beer and wine. Little did I know how many wild and amazing adventures on which this knife would accompany us. It stayed in my back pocket much of the time while we rambled around the USA and Alaska on our nine-month journey in 1986. I have had MANY embarrassing moments in my life, but one in particular reigns as THE MOST MORTIFYING.