Diary of a San Diego Video Crew

Combining Business and Pleasure

Combining Business and Pleasure

It was 1987 when Mark and I decided to start aggressively combining business and pleasure. We were involved in video production and had just discovered the sport of mountain biking. We racked our brains on ways we could combine the two. Voila! How about producing some instructional mountain bike videos?

Check Point Movie

Check Point Movie

Do we ever really know everything that is happening in our country, let alone our community?  “Check Point” poses that question and then lays out a scenario in which the community members of a sleepy town begin to realize there is a terrorist sleeper cell in their midst. The thriller was filmed on location in Wilmington, North Carolina with a cast including Bill Goldberg (“The Longest Yard”), Kenny Johnson (“Bates Motel”), and Michelle Lee (“The Hunted”), along with Fred Williamson, Tyler Mane, Mindy Robinson, Olga Safari, Kane Hodder, Krista Grotte, Ricky Harris and Niko.

“The Messenger” – A Film Reflection

“The Messenger” – A Film Reflection

In “The Messenger,” a film directed by Oren Moverman, Woody Harrelson plays the crusty Captain Tony Stone,  who takes the newbie, Staff Sgt. Will Montgomery (Ben Foster) under his wing, and teaches him all the ins and outs of the job.  One of the first things Stone says to Montgomery is “Soldiers go to war and everyone waves flags and applauds.  They look at charts and study strategy and have “informed opinions.” And then bullets fly and soldiers die and it’s such a shock. F–k that! What did they think it was gonna be like? Fear Factor?”

Online Video

Online Video

As more and more social media content becomes image and video based, businesses can capitalize upon this lucrative platform in order to promote themselves and stand out from their industry rivals. According to recent surveys, approximately 78% of marketers now include video content within their web campaigns.



Michael Jackson had wanted to donate his body to Body Worlds for plastination, which would have been quite a story. But he passed away before it could happen. This is a photo essay of Body Worlds Exhibit in San Diego by Patty Mooney.