Diary of a San Diego Video Crew
Cannabis Nurse Heather
One of the biggest stories of the year has been percolating under the radar it seems. It has to do with the most respected profession in the USA, and that is Nursing. A Paradigm Shift in Nursing – When I walked into a room filled with over 200 Cannabis Nurses in late February 2019 at the San Diego Harbor Island Sheraton, I felt the Earth move under my feet (thank you Carole King).
Design Rush: Elevating Excellence
As a San Diego video production crew, we are thrilled to announce that Design Rush, a leading platform for connecting businesses with top-rated marketing and advertising agencies, will feature Crystal Pyramid Productions in their upcoming PR on Top Video Production Companies.
Our Quick n Dirty VP
Patricia Mooney began her mountain bike journey in 1986, when she and her husband, Mark Schulze, bought mountain bikes for each other as Christmas gifts. It was a bit of a rocky start, literally. On her first ride, she balked at riding across a stream. Mark encouraged her to ride across the water quipping “Hey, this is what mountain bikes are for.”
Happy Saint Paddy’s Day!
It’s always a happy day when Saint Paddy’s Day rolls around. It’s all about the wearing of the green, drinking green beer and wearing something green to acknowledge the day.
Cannabis Nurses – Quotes
“I sure don’t have all the answers, but it sure seems to me that we are a country with a lot of people in pain and it sure seems to me that the current Orthodox approach is not working. It seems to me that the over reliance on opioids isn’t working.” Uwe Blesching, PhD
The Manifest Hails Crystal Pyramid Productions Video Company
Video content has been a powerful tool in both online and offline marketing and advertising. We’ve seen the industry became an incredible success after the popularity of digital ads rose. Today, our team at Crystal Pyramid Productions has been delivering a number of award-winning production services ever since our start in 1981. What an honor to be deemed one of the Most reviewed video production companies in San Diego!