The Heilbron Award
In 2008, Rotary Club 33 and the San Diego Business Journal created the Heilbron Awards. Consequently, each year, these awards recognize businesses involved in philanthropy.
Rotary Club 33 named the Heilbron Award after its first President, Carl Heilbron.
As Rotary Club 33’s website states, “The awards are designed to recognize companies that exemplify the “pay it forward spirit.” This is by using their professional expertise via pro bono work to advance the well-being and success of others in the community.”
As a matter of fact, Crystal Pyramid Productions proudly accepted a Heilbron Award at the inaugural presentation.
“The Invisible Ones”
We won the “Small Business” award. Ultimately it was because of a documentary we produced. “The Invisible Ones: Homeless Combat Veterans” shines a light on homeless veterans. Also, it features spokespeople from the VVSD (Veterans Village of San Diego), the San Diego Stand Down and Congress.
The video outlines solutions to the problem of homelessness. In it, homeless veterans share how they became homeless. Additionally, they express their wishes for the future.
Ending Homelessness
After producing this documentary, we gave DVDs to people focused on ending the homelessness of our veterans. This included government officials, politicians, religious and spiritual organizations, and concerned community activists. Of course, we wanted the video to inform viewers of the problem our communities face and consequently stir them into action.
Homelessness of Veterans
Finally, a few years later, veteran homelessness is now a national issue. Most Americans know that nearly half of the homeless population are veterans. Most noteworthy, many organizations now address the issue. In other words, there is now a national discussion.
If we can help veterans find work and shelter, then we can tackle the homelessness of general populations. Small bites, right?
Military Honors
Ironically, at the time of the awards ceremony, Crystal Pyramid Productions principals, Mark Schulze and Patty Mooney were arriving in Detroit. There they participated in two different ceremonies.
The first was the 90th birthday of Patty’s mother. The second was the interment of her father’s ashes with military honors.
Heilbron Award Ceremony
Patty and Mark regret they could not accept the award in person. However, they are still deeply honored by it.
And so Mark’s mother, Evonne Schulze, accepted the beautiful glass trophy in their stead.
In conclusion, Mark and Patty both continue their work as philanthropists and concerned citizens of their community.
From Exhibitor Magazine: Crystal Pyramid Productions wins Heilbron Award
Patty Mooney is a VP, Video Producer and Video Editor at San Diego’s award-winning video production company, Crystal Pyramid Productions.